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Shopify accelerates planet saving technology

Shopify is making a commitment to safely turn tonnes of CO₂ into rock.


44.01 and Shopify sign agreement

As one of the world’s largest corporate purchasers of long-term carbon removal the company’s Sustainability Fund contributes $5 million annually to support tech-driven entrepreneurs. The goal of the Fund is to assist companies that are proving, scaling, and commercializing climate technologies for massive impact in the long term.

Shopify is demonstrating its confidence in 44.01’s potential with a new purchase commitment. This partnership is underpinned by 44.01 and Shopify’s shared mission to fight climate change.

We’re very excited to be working with Shopify on this advance purchase of our mineralisation services,” said Talal Hasan, 44.01’s Carbon General. “The company’s trust in our process to mineralise captured CO₂ into peridotite rocks will help us scale our technology and attract direct air capture technologies to our carbon sinks.

IPCC models project that achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 requires both radical emissions reductions and the permanent removal of gigatons of CO₂ from the atmosphere every year. However, the infrastructure required to deliver carbon removal must scale up at high speed. Only then will new climate technologies be able to remove the volumes of CO₂ required to mitigate climate change.

Many new companies are focused on capturing CO₂, yet some of these companies struggle to identify how it will be stored, which is a critical component of carbon removal,” said Stacy Kauk, Shopify’s Head of Sustainability. “44.01 offers a novel, yet reliable process that stores CO₂ for the long term. That’s why we’re thrilled to be supporting 44.01 as they work to provide storage infrastructure that is desperately needed around the globe”.

Follow Shopify’s lead and get in touch if you or your company want to support solutions fighting climate change.