44.01 and Aircapture named XPRIZE Carbon Removal Top 20 Finalists
44.01 and AirCapture selected amoung the Top 20 finalists for the XPRIZE Carbon Removal award

- Project Hajar will remove CO2 from the atmosphere and covert it into rock in Oman
- XPRIZE judged applicants on environmental impact, sustainability, cost and potential to scale
8 May 2024: 44.01 and Aircapture’s Project Hajar was today announced as one of the Top 20 XPRIZE Carbon Removal Projects.
Project Hajar will use Aircapture’s Direct Air Capture technology to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. The CO2 will then be injected into peridotite in Oman where it will mineralise and turn into rock, meaning it can never escape back into the atmosphere. The process is safe, fast and permanent.
Over 1,300 companies applied for the XPRIZE, and the XPRIZE Carbon Removal team conducted a rigorous assessment of applicants’ environmental and social impact, sustainability and cost before picking finalists with the potential to reach gigatonne scale.
Project Hajar will commence in Q4 2024 and will be 44.01’s largest project to date. At scale, mineralisation could play a significant role in helping Oman and other countries around the world to achieve their Net Zero ambitions, and help protect and repair our climate.